Rekindle the excitement and anticipation that was Christmas as a kid: Santa & sleds, snowmen & skates, music & midnight service and food & family! Join us at JB Knacker on Saturday, Nov. 7th from 9am - 6pm and again on Sunday, Nov. 8th from 12pm - 4pm. Twinkly lights and fresh evergreen will be plentiful and festive bites and beverages will be served.
Now, if you remember last year's ad, you may be thinking, "isn't this the same ad?" "Is Brenda really that strapped for time and imagination?" Yes, it is a really similar ad and uses the same picture of me and my siblings circa 1968. And yes, I am always strapped for time which can sometimes lower my creativity or at least what gets accomplished (but the old gears never stop turning). Truth be told, I love this picture and the feeling it gives me. So what's wrong w/ using something more than once...absolutely nothing and that is so what we are all about at JB Knacker! Go back and try to recall your favorite memory from your childhood Christmas...mine is all 6 of us kids piling into my big sister Mary's bed to await the visit from Santa. Anticipation, excitement and fun as well as cozy and inviting...that's what I strive for in my own home at this time of the year as well as at the shop. And this is the feeling I want each and every one of you to leave with from A Vintage Christmas at JB Knacker!
Glad it was a huge success, we need more days like this. Just made The Christmas Sugar for Sisters and The Candle Shed, boy does my house smell yummy.
While the snows(ewww)fly this winter, I'll be checking out new spring scents, but still have the old faves too.
We're seeing increases in sales and it isn't all holiday stuff...keep your fingers crossed!
Thanks again!
seeing the bends in the photo makes it all the more sweet!
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